They Arm the Taliban & Take OUR Guns: They SHOULD BE Hanging. Red Flag Gun Confiscation Passes House Committee

The Mad Jewess

They Arm the Taliban & Take OUR Guns: They SHOULD BE Hanging

Thomas Massie issues warning… Red Flag gun legislation passes House committee…

Why are these bastards not hanging? They arm terrorists and take the arms of Veterans.They force you to get inoculated 3 and 4X. When you say NO VAX, they take your job away. They teach your children to be little sexualized homo’s, then call you terrorists as you protest. Now, they pass red-flag confiscation laws and they are not hanging?????Someone put a fork in Nadler…

“We don’t allow them to have opinions so why would we allow them to have guns?
– Joseph Stalin

Braveheart — ANDERS DAHL

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About a12iggymom

Conservative - Christian - Patriot
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3 Responses to They Arm the Taliban & Take OUR Guns: They SHOULD BE Hanging. Red Flag Gun Confiscation Passes House Committee

  1. malenurseken says:

    Civil WAR i meant!


  2. a12iggymom says:

    Thank you. I will try to post more 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. malenurseken says:

    HI. So good to hear from you again! And yes everyone should hang! BUT punishment should actually be the suffering type! They die too quick by hanging and theres so many . I heard they are redoing alcatraz? Maybe it is for those who refuse a vaccine?????BUT we will never lose our guns! YEA taking ammo away …Stock up on ammo now! CIVIL WAS IS INEVITABLE!


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