NEW YORKERS ARE NOT ALONE –the ANGER is Spreading –QUOTE from James Franklin –> “I have a facebook buddy in Connecticut – John S Cinque – that fearlessly told the overlords in Conn. that he would not comply with the new gun laws. Mind you this man is a professional hero, he’s a firefighter and a patriot. A good man that was arbitrarily declared a criminal with the stroke of a pen because he is standing up for the rights of *all Americans. A few nights ago he posted the following quote:
“Heading off to bed its funny you go to sleep wondering if your front door will still be intact when you wake up in the morning”

If you haven’t already – you need to wake up. Bad times are coming and they’re coming fast; and for most of us it will be worse than anything we’ve ever experienced.
On behalf of myself, my children and the rest of my friends and family – Thank you John – we need more people like you. Hopefully this will inspire others like it did for me.
I have a facebook buddy in Connecticut – John S Cinque – that fearlessly told the overlords in Conn. that he would not comply with the new gun laws. Mind you this man is a professional hero, he’s a firefighter and a patriot. A good man that was arbitrarily declared a criminal with the stroke of a pen because he is standing up for the rights of *all Americans. A few nights ago he posted the following quote:
“Heading off to bed its funny you go to sleep wondering if your front door will still be intact when you wake up in the morning”

If you haven’t already – you need to wake up. Bad times are coming and they’re coming fast; and for most of us it will be worse than anything we’ve ever experienced.
On behalf of myself, my children and the rest of my friends and family – Thank you John – we need more people like you. Hopefully this will inspire others like it did for me.

Sorry, for those who do not have facebook, here is the youtube link

About a12iggymom

Conservative - Christian - Patriot
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5 Responses to NEW YORKERS ARE NOT ALONE –the ANGER is Spreading

  1. Gunny G says:

    Reblogged this on HEY CLINGERS : BLOGGING BAD ~ DICK.G: AMERICAN ! and commented:
    GUNNY G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. Reblogged this on Cold Dead Hands Days and commented:
    Well…Looks like we shall see…


  3. upaces88 says:

    They have “over played” their hands with the False Flags…Sandy Hook…NO ONE DIED!
    They have made themselves quite “TRANSPARENT” WHAT THEY ARE REALLY UP TO!
    To leave the American People defenseless against the government turning on all of us.
    I live in Texas. The first time he was in office, almost immediately, he stated: “Re-Register your Registered Guns. That scared people.
    My daughter came home that year (as our children do sometimes). I didn’t have enough food so I gathered up various articles to take to the pawn shop. I was standing in line and joking with the owner about “how many guns he had sold” since Obama made that statement.

    He could no longer hold onto pawned guns. They flew off the shelves in a week. After that NO ONE was pawning their guns anymore. So? He began selling NEW guns…and had to either rent or buy a building to store them in. YES, the news ones were also flying off the shelves.

    For your own information, go to You Tube and type in: “Bullet Making Machines.”


  4. a12iggymom says:

    Reblogged this on U.S. Constitutional Free Press.


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