PBS’ Moyers Says Saul Alinsky ‘A Good American’??

Hat Tip: BB

Bill Moyers Essay: Newt’s Obesession with Saul Alinsky from BillMoyers.com on Vimeo.


Bill Moyers used his Friday night PBS show to defend community organizing icon Saul Alinsky from Newt Gingrich’s recent attacks. Alinsky’s 1971 book “Rules for Radicals,” which was dedicated to Lucifer, popularized many organizing tactics.
Moyers quipped “Maybe that’s why Newt Gingrich has been slandering Alinsky’s name,” Moyers said. “Maybe he’s afraid. Afraid the very white folks he’s been rousing to a frenzy will discover who Saul Alinsky really was. A patriot, in a long line of patriots, who scorned the malignant narcissism of duplicitous politicians and taught every day Americans to think for themselves and to fight together for a better life. That’s the American way, and any good historian would know it.”

See video: http://www.trevorloudon.com/2012/02/pbs%e2%80%99-moyers-says-saul-alinsky-%e2%80%98a-good-american%e2%80%99/

About a12iggymom

Conservative - Christian - Patriot
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