UK “Shariah Court” Calls for Obama’s Head!

UK “Shariah Court” Calls for Obama’s Head!.

In response to the War on Terror and America’s support of Israel (which is quickly going away), UK Muslims led by Anjem Choudary are calling for the head of Obama and many other political and military figures. Unfortunately the Obama administration is hellbent in its effort to usher Islam into America. I guess they missed that part.

Wanted Demonstration 24th May 2011

In response to the bombing of Muslims, the support for the pirate state of Israel and the propping up of dictators over Muslim countries attacks on American soil occurred on the 11th September 2001 after which George Bush declared that the United States of America is at war with Islam and Muslims in a crusade.

Huh? When did Bush ever say that?

About a12iggymom

Conservative - Christian - Patriot
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