Video emerges: Home Depot cheers itself for marching in ‘gay pride’ parade

Company’s “pride” in promoting homosexual activism evident on America’s streets

March 18, 2011 

AFA has acquired a 40-second video taken by Home Depot employees loudly cheering themselves while marching in the 2010 St. Petersburg, Florida, gay pride parade.
Home Depot is proud of their support for homosexual behavior. It set up a tent along the parade route, built a custom “gay pride float” on the bed of a company truck and waived the company’s dress policy by allowing employees to wear their Home Depot aprons, decorated with pro-gay buttons.

If that wasn’t enough, Home Depot sent its official mascot to help promote the company’s homosexual activism.
You can (no ads, no delays). The video includes parade watchers and employees cheering, “Home Depot, we love you!”
Photos from the parade events include near-nude homosexual males visiting the Home Depot booth.

Over one-half million people have signed a pledge to boycott The Home Depot until it agrees to remain neutral in the culture and political war over homosexual marriage.
Let us deliver YOUR SIGNED PLEDGE to boycott The Home Depot.
1. If you have not done so, sign the Boycott Pledge at
2. If you have signed the pledge,
let The Home Depot know you are resolved. If you have a Home Depot credit card, consider cutting it up and including it in the envelope with your next monthly payment.
3. Print the paper petition and distribute it at Sunday school and church.
4. Let The Home Depot know how much money they are losing. Each time you make a purchase at a competitor store, use The Home Depot’s website feedback form to let them know how much you spent with their competitor.

Take Action Now Sign the Boycott Pledge Now!
HD1  The Home Depot proudly displays its support for homosexuality in this parade float. The company has placed corporate-approved floats in multiple gay pride parades over the past few years. 

The Home Depot says it will continue to allow employees to participate in future pride parades and festivals “in any way” they choose. 

 hdchildren3  The flags in these Home Depot cups promote a gay website which proclaims itself as “the men’s social group for men who have sex with men.”

The cups were given to children by The Home Depot gay parade marchers, while homosexual activists followed up by introducing them to gay sex websites.

The Home Depot has no problem aligning itself with gay activist groups who target children with a pro-homosexual message.

 hdboston  This Home Depot employee’s apron sticker shows support for the nation’s largest gay advocacy organization, The Human Rights Campaign.

In addition, employees decorate their company aprons with other pro-homosexual messages.

 2009atlanta5small  Numerous Home Depot employees marched in the 2009 Atlanta Gay Pride parade, pushing shopping carts and passing out Home Depot items to the crowd.
 hdpuppet_small  Home Depot sent its mascot to march in the 2009 Chicago Pride Parade.  Here, he is posing with a parade participant.
 gaydadbooth  The Home Depot set up this Kids Workshop at the 2009 Central Pennsylvania Gay Pride Festival

About a12iggymom

Conservative - Christian - Patriot
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