UPDATED: She Has A Name: Christina Taylor Greene, 9 Yr. Old Killed In Tucson Massacre, Born on 9/11/01

Gateway Pundit

Christina liked ballet and baseball.


9 year-old Christina Taylor Green, who was murdered today at Safeway in Tuscon, was born on 9-11.
All Voices reported:

Christina Taylor Green, nine-year-old victim in today’s Tucson shootings, once was an infant designated to be a “Face of Hope” by virtue of her birth on September 11, 2001. She was one of the children born on 9/11, reports Tucson blogger David Abie Morales. She is featured in the book by Christine Pisera Naman, entitled Faces of Hope, Babies Born on 9/11, dedicated to all the mother who gave birth and to their babies born on the day the World Trade Towers in New York City were taken down in an act of terrorism.

Ironically, today her life ended in violence, as she fell under the attack of a gunman at a political function at a supermarket.

A neighbor was going to the Giffords event today, the Arizona Republic reports, and invited Christina along simply because she thought she would enjoy it, according to Christina’s uncle, Greg Segalini. Christina was newly elected to the student council at her school.

The event, an opportunity for constituents to meet Giffords and discuss any concerns they had related to the federal government, was an outdoor family friendly event.

A talented girl, Christina Green participated in many activities, ranging from ballet to baseball.

(My FOX Phoenix)
RIP: Christina Green 9; G Zimmerman 30; J Roll 63; D Murray 76; D Stoddard 76; P Scheck 79

More on the victims – here.

Oh, how sad.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the all of the families.

She Has A Name…

via KVOA
The identity of the 9-year-old tragically killed in this morning’s deadly rampage is Christina Taylor Greene.
Family says she was vibrant, excited about life, and she was the “best daughter in the world.”

Born on September 11, 2001, Greene was excited about the political process, was on the student government, and went to the Giffords event today to learn more about the political process, family members say.
Greene attended Mesa Verde Elementary School. She was the only girl on the CDO baseball team – she loved the sport, as well as horseback riding and swimming.
The Pima County Sheriff’s Office has released the identities of the six people killed in this morning’s tragic shooting.
-John Roll, 63, a federal district court judge.
-Gabriel Zimmerman, 30, Giffords’ director of community outreach
-Dorwin Stoddard, 76, a pastor at Mountain Ave. Church of Christ.
-Christina Greene, 9, a student at Mesa Verde Elementary
-Dorthy Murray, 76
-Phyllis Scheck, 79
The suspect is being interviewed at PCSO headquarters currently, and will be transported to jail later this evening, deputies say. http://globalgrind.com/channel/news/content/1899875/she-has-a-name-christina-taylor-greene-9-yr-old-killed-in-tucson-massacre-born-on-91101-photos/

About a12iggymom

Conservative - Christian - Patriot
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2 Responses to UPDATED: She Has A Name: Christina Taylor Greene, 9 Yr. Old Killed In Tucson Massacre, Born on 9/11/01

  1. Agnes Jenkins says:

    To Christina’s mom,
    Your loss is more than a mother should bear. Our thoughts and prayers are with you on this sad day and please know that all your daughter’s dreams live inside you. Being a mother I know that no one can take the place of your daughter please know that God is with you. You and your family are in our prayers daily.
    Mr and Mrs. Zed Jenkins and family


  2. Pingback: Praying for Arizona U.S. Congresswoman Gabrielle “Gabby” Giffords, Federal Judge John Roll, and other victims of horrific shooting « Navajo Lutheran Mission

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